
Titre Auteur(s) Date

Investigation of β-galactosidase production by microalga Tetradesmus obliquus in determined growth conditions

Bentahar, Jihed / Doyen, Alain / Beaulieu, Lucie / Deschênes, Jean-Sébastien 2019-01-01

Impact of a high hydrostatic pressure pretreatment on the separation of bioactive peptides from flaxseed protein hydrolysates by electrodialysis with ultrafiltration membranes

Urbain Marie, Gina Cecile / Perreault, Véronique / Henaux, Loïc / Carnovale, Valérie / Aluko, Rotimi E. / Marette, André / Doyen, Alain / Bazinet, Laurent 2019-01-01

High hydrostatic pressure-assisted enzymatic hydrolysis improved enzymatic hydrolysis of flaxseed protein isolate and generation of peptides with antioxidant activity

Franck, Maximilien / Perreault, Véronique / Suwal, Shyam / Marciniak, Alice / Bazinet, Laurent / Doyen, Alain 2019-01-01

Evaluation of casein as a binding ligand protein for purification of alpha-lactalbumin from beta-lactoglobulin under high hydrostatic pressure

Marciniak, Alice / Suwal, Shyam / Brisson, Guillaume / Britten, Michel / Pouliot, Yves / Doyen, Alain 2019-01-01

High hydrostatic pressure processing better preserves the nutrient and bioactive compound composition of human donor milk

Pitino, Michael A / Unger, Sharon / Doyen, Alain / Pouliot, Yves / Aufreiter, Susanne / Stone, Debbie / Kiss, Alex / O'Connor, Deborah 2019-01-01

Enhancing enzymatic hydrolysis of food proteins and-production of bioactive peptides using high hydrostatic pressure technology

Marciniak, Alice / Suwal, Shyam / Naderi, Nassim / Pouliot, Yves / Doyen, Alain 2018-08-19

Studying a chaperone-like effect of beta-casein on pressure-induced aggregation of beta-lactoglobulin in the presence of alpha-lactalbumin

Marciniak, Alice / Suwal, Shyam / Brisson, Guillaume / Britten, Michel / Pouliot, Yves / Doyen, Alain 2018-05-20

Ultrafiltration performances and recovery of bioactive peptides after fractionation of tryptic hydrolysate generated from pressure-treated beta-lactoglobulin

Boukil, Abir / Suwal, Shyam / Chamberland, Julien / Pouliot, Yves / Doyen, Alain 2018-03-29

The use of high hydrostatic pressure to modulate milk protein interactions for the production of alpha-lactalbumin-enriched fraction

Marciniak, Alice / Suwal, Shyam / Britten, Michel / Pouliot, Yves / Doyen, Alain 2018-01-01

Preparation of milk protein concentrates by ultrafiltration and continuous diafiltration: effect of process design on overall efficiency

Gavazzi-April, Camile / Benoit, Scott / Doyen, Alain / Britten, Michel / Pouliot, Yves 2018-01-01