
Titre Auteur(s) Date

The use of high hydrostatic pressure to generate folate-enriched extracts from granule fraction of hen's egg yolk

Naderi, Nassim / Doyen, Alain / D. House, James / Pouliot, Yves 2017-03-25

Antioxydants, mechanisms, and recovery by membrane processes

Bazinet, Laurent / Doyen, Alain 2017-01-01

Pretreatment of flax seed protein isolate by high hydrostatic pressure: impacts on protein structure, enzymatic hydrolysis and final hydrolysate antioxydant capacities

Perreault, Véronique / Henaux, Loïc / Bazinet, Laurent / Doyen, Alain 2017-01-01

Biofouling of ultrafiltration membrane by dairy fluids: Characterization of pioneer colonizer bacteria using a DNA metabarcoding approach

Chamberland, Julien / Lessard, Marie-Hélène / Doyen, Alain / Labrie, Steve / Pouliot, Yves 2017-01-01

A sequencing approach targeting the 16S rRNA gene unravels the biofilm composition of spiral-wound membranes used in the dairy industriy

Chamberland, Julien / Lessard, Marie-Hélène / Doyen, Alain / Labrie, Steve / Pouliot, Yves 2017-01-01

How peptide physicochemical and structural characteristics affect anion-exchange membranes fouling by a tryptic whey protein hydrolysate

Persico, Mathieu / Mikhaylin, Sergey / Doyen, Alain / Firdaous, Loudna / Hammami, Riadh / Bazinet, Laurent 2016-08-18

Effect of transmembrane pressure control on energy efficiency during skim milk concentration by ultrafiltration at 10 and 50°C

Méthot-Hains, Stéphanie / Benoit, Scott / Bouchard, Christian / Doyen, Alain / Bazinet, Laurent / Pouliot, Yves 2016-08-03

A process efficiency assessment of serum protein removal from milk using ceramic graded permeability microfiltration membrane

Tremblay-Marchand, Daniel / Doyen, Alain / Britten, Michel / Pouliot, Yves 2016-03-21

Characterization of protein, peptide and amino acid fouling on ion-exchange and filtration membranes: Review of current and recently developed methods

Suwal, Shyam / Doyen, Alain / Bazinet, Laurent 2015-08-25

Low-molecular-weight Peptides from salmon protein prevent obesity-linked glucose intolerance, inflammation and dyslipidemia in LDLR-/-/ApoB100/100 Mice

Chevrier, Geneviève / Mitchell, Patricia L. / Rioux, Laurie-Ève / Hasan, Fida / Jin, Tianyi / Roblet, Cyril / Doyen, Alain / Pilon, Geneviève / St-Pierre, Philippe / Lavigne, Charles / Bazinet, Laurent / Jacques, Hélène / Gill, Tom / McLeod, Roger S. / Marette, André 2015-04-22