Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Human Milk Composition, and Infant Growth

  • Année de publication : 2022-11-21


C. Dugas, L. Laberee, J. Perron, G. St-Arnaud, V. Richard, V. Perreault, N. Leblanc, I. Marc, V. Di Marzo, A. Doyen, A. Veilleux, J. Robitaille. 2022. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Human Milk Composition, and Infant Growth. Breastfeeding Medecine.

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Mot(s) Clé(s)

Composition du lait maternel Diabète gestationnel Allaitement Croissance infantile


Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is known to affect human milk composition. Aims of this study were to compare macronutrient and energy content of human milk of women with (GDM+) and without GDM (GDM), to assess the association between maternal health and human milk macronutrient and energy content and association between human milk macronutrient and energy content and infant growth.