Acceptability of insect ingredients by innovative student chefs: An exploratory study

  • Année de publication : 2021-07-01


A. Dion-Poulin, M. Turcotte, S. Lee-Blouin, V. Perreault, V. Provencher, A. Doyen, S. L.  Turgeon. 2021. Acceptability of insect ingredients by innovative student chefs: An exploratory study. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 24, 100362.

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Entomophagie Insectes comestibles Étude qualitative


In Western societies, the acceptability of entomophagy is low despite the sustainable and nutritional benefits of insects. It is recognized that insect meals incorporated in into familiar foods increases willingness to eat insects. Chefs can offer positive culinary insect-based experiences to their customers which can then contribute to increasing the acceptability of entomophagy by consumers. However, little is known about chefs’ perceptions of the use of insect-based ingredients.