Pulse Globulins 11S and 7S: Origins, Purification Methods, and Techno-functional Properties

  • Année de publication : 2023-02-01


A. Gravel, A. Doyen. 2023. Pulse Globulins 11S and 7S: Origins, Purification Methods, and Techno-functional Properties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71, 2704–2717

Information Complémentaire

Lien vers l'article: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jafc.2c07507 

Mot(s) Clé(s)

Protéines de légumineuses Viciline 7S Légumine 11S Méthodes de purification des protéines Propriétés techno-fonctionnelles


A growing interest in pulse proteins in recent years results from their crucial role in the transition toward sustainable food systems. Consequently, current research is mainly focused on the production of protein ingredients and the evaluation of their nutritional and techno-functional properties for the development of animal product analogues. However, the individual impacts of the major proteins 11S legumin and 7S vicilin on pulse techno-functionalities remains unclear. Thus, this review aims to represent current knowledge on pulse 11S and 7S globulin origins, extraction, separation, and purification methods as well as their techno-functionalities. This paper also discusses the principal challenges related to pulse vicilin and legumin purification methods, such as efficiency and environmental concerns, as well as 11S/7S ratio variability. This review highlights the fact that 11S and 7S fractions serve different purposes in pulse functionality and that more efficient and eco-friendly purification techniques are required to properly assess their respective functional attributes. Such research would allow the determination of optimal 11S/7S ratios for the integration of pulse protein ingredients in various food formulations. Hence, food industries would be able to select species/varieties, agronomical methods, and processing methods to produce ingredients with suitable 11S/7S ratios, catering to consumers’ ethical, environmental, and nutritional concerns.