Effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing on hen egg compounds and egg products

  • Année de publication : 2017-07-01


N. Naderi, J. D. House, Y. Pouliot, A. Doyen. 2017. Effects of High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing on Hen Egg Compounds and Egg Products. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 16, 707-720.

Information Complémentaire

Lien vers l'article : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1541-4337.12273 

Mot(s) Clé(s)

Escherichia coli Oxidation des protéines Inactivation cinétique Salmonella enteritidis Conservation des aliments Lysozyme Lipoprotéines Oeufs Hautes pressions hydrostatiques


High hydrostatic pressure (HHP), used alone or with other processes, is an emerging technology increasingly used in the food industry to improve microbial safety, and the functionality and bioactive properties of food products. HHP provides a way to reduce energy requirements for food processing and may contribute to improved energy efficiency in the food industry. Hen egg is used by the food industry to formulate many food products. To improve the microbiological safety of egg and egg-derived products, HHP processing is an attractive alternative to heat- pasteurization and a potential technology. However, HHP treatment induces structural modifications of egg components (such as proteins) which could positively or negatively affect the physicochemical and functional properties of egg-derived products. Improving our knowledge regarding the potential of HHP in the egg industry will add value to the final food products and increase profitability for egg producers and the food industry.